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Goal Achievement 2022 Kickoff for Female Coaches
Thursday, Jan 20 @ 12-2pm EST

Women perceive and achieve goals very differently!


It's the start of another new year...

So let’s start it off with the right footing! There is one certainty I have when it comes to being a woman is that effective goal achievement is a skill that needs to be learned. This is why I am committed to helping female coaches level up their self-mastery and learn the art of creating desirable results that serve a purpose in a major way.



  • craves financial freedom to do the things you want to do in life?

  • deserves to be monetized for your true value?

  • wants to take your business, career or life to that next level?

  • wants to close the gap between what you know is your potential and where you are today?

  • is tired of being stuck in the same behavior/pattern that keeps going five steps forward and ten steps backward?

Then this 2-hour workshop will give you the insight and tools to take your coaching abilities and business to the next level - FAST.

The focus of this workshop will cover the following topics:

  • The science behind how women achieve goals

  • Power of your inner dialogue

  • self talk

  • The art of staying in focus and on track

  • Turning the monkey mind into a money mind

  • Revealing your blind spots

  • The implementation of strategy in your daily life

  • Surefire ways of achieving every goal you set

  • Influence mastery

  • heart centered persuasion

"It's never too late to start but it's always too late to wait"...

A woman who crushes goals is CONFIDENT and owns her power!

START YOUR 2022 with us as we show you the feminine mindset behind successful goal setting and crushing these goals in the most heart-centered way with the utmost integrity and dignity. You will not only gain a greater understanding of how your mind works but more importantly, you will walk away with the empowerment you need to create the life you desire. It’s time to stop reacting and living as a victim to life’s circumstances and be free to start being the creator of your life story!

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