Work Side-by-Side With Me & Start Your Transformational Journey for Real!
I teach you how to get off that infuriating hamster wheel and we go through your personal transformation & align with your true essence and power to create sustainable financial success in your purpose-driven businesses.
You have got the piece of the cake...
Now... You have to deside.
You want to get where you want in 2 months?
Let me help you & let's work with your journey together!
We also focus on self-awareness, accountability, personal boundaries, decision-making and goal achievement.
We work through fears and blocks as we define and/or move towards their own dreams and goals.
...and make a bigger impact to a greater audience.
It's time to reveal your blind spots & blocks and take your business to the next levels!
Coach Mastery Accelerator Program is for female coaches who are ready to step into their full potential, smash through every obstacle in their way and fully expose the greatness inside.
This program will be focusing on YOU and solidifying the foundation of who you are and where you want to go.
Why it's 95% more chance of achieving goals with a Coach...
Mentorship is the sure-fire way of breaking through those self-imposed barriers.
A Coach Mentor can see what you cannot see and quickly identify your blind spots... we ALL have blind spots.
Coaches spend their minutes, hours and days focused on other people's well-being and transformational journey.
Every successful coach and/or entrepreneur has a mentor who knows them better than they know themselves. You deserve the same for you!
It's time someone has your back!
Coach Mastery Accelerator Program
Is Going To Guide You Through These Modules:
Module 1 - Heart Of Your Goals
So, let’s get started on some general chatter about what goals are really about.
As you know, we women spend much of our time taking care of other people. These people might be your husband, your children, or your parents.
Perhaps you are acting as a trusted advisor or a supportive friend. It doesn’t matter which situation it is; you are just not focused enough on you and your own aspirations in life. I applaud you for your life-changing, life-giving intentions!
But let’s be totally transparent. We, as children, have never been taught to DREAM BIG.
​Living Life By Design
​Crushing Goals Made Simple
​Exercise 1.1 Bank Of The Universe
​Imagination & Visualization
​Exercise 1.2 Your True Desires
​Guided Visualization
Module 2 - Self Awareness
In this module, we’ll examine self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. We’ll consider how each of these components leads to a deeper understanding of yourself. I’ll also introduce the Knowing-Doing gap and how it can be resolved for your benefit.
By becoming more and more self-aware, you know who you are and what your limits are so you can be in more control over how you respond to what life brings to youand be in control of your life. You're grounded, which is another way of saying you’re assured and secure.
It all starts with YOU
​Respond, Not React
​Personal Growth
​Know Better, do better
​The Backbone of your Decisions
​Exercise 2.1: Your Top 5 Values
​Your Inner All Knowing GPS
​Exercise 2.2 Feel Your Way Back
​Exercise 2.3 The Mirror Exercise
Module 3 - My Future Self – Image is the Way
Self-image is important because what we think about ourselves affects how we feel and how we interact with others and the world around us. A positive self-image has a ripple effect upon our decisions with the people we accept and bring into our lives and the same goes with the opportunities we attract. The more positive our self-image is, the more like-minded people will gravitate to us. This is the Law of Attraction.
Your Image of YOU
​Exercise 3.1: Your Movie Script
​Exercise 3.2: Feel Your Way (audio)
​Exercise 3.3: Vision Board
​Exercise 3.4: Your Personal Mission Script
Module 4 - Monkey Mind to Money Mind
Money is totally and fully abundant and is nothing more than a means of exchange between people, groups, companies or countries. The true value of money is based on the value of what is being exchanged.
This value can be based on physical or emotional. I have heard way too many coaches say that money is not important to them and that their true desire is to help people. At the same time, those same coaches are the ones who are struggling to grow their coaching business.
Your Focus Affects Your Wallet
​Exercise 5.1: Unblock Pathway To Money
Module 5 - Your Outer World Reflects Your Inner World
I think we can all agree that we want to increase the success in our own lives. Even though we may have reached a certain level of success already, we are here in this program because we want to keep growing and taking our life to the new levels.
In fact, success isn’t about luck! Nor is it fully dependent on talent. Talent itself does not guarantee self-fulfillment nor happiness. Instead, fulfillment is tied to ourability to break through our self-imposed limitations, which hold us back from achieving our most authentic desires.
Your World Is Your Reflection
​Meet: Law Of Attraction
​Exercise: 5.1: Negative to Positive
​Exercise: 5.2: Tame Your Inner Critic
Module 6 - Fuel For The Engine
We'll go trough how you can maintain your endurance as you move towards your goals. Like an engine that needs fuel to get the car moving, we need tools that will keep us in action and keep us staying on track.
Fuelled With Inspired Action
​The Devil In Procrastination
​Exercise 6.1: Reflective Questions
​Art Of Decision Making
Module 7 - The Insanity Loop
To get started, consider the following phrases: Insanity loop. Vicious cycle. Catch-22.
These are terms that refer to a chain of events in which the response to one difficulty creates a new problem that aggravates the original difficulty. This can drive us utterly insane when this happens.
First Stop, Insanity Loop
​Second Stop: All Aboard
​Third Stop: Self- Evaluation
​Fourth Stop: Clarity
​Final Stop: You Can!
​Exercise 7.1: Reflective Questions
Module 8 - The Art Of Heart-Based Persuasion
The ability to influence is the single most important skill you can master as a coach. It can literally give you the power to create the life of your dreams and improve the quality of your life or anybody around you.
If you come from a place of deep caring to develop a strong relationship with people—if you look for their deepest needs, not just what they say they want, but what their heart aka intuition level wants and needs—and you help them to be aligned with that, there will be no limit to the income, the joy, and the deep connections you have.
Influence and Intergrity
​The ABCs Of Consciousness
​Influence, Intergrity, Consciousness, and Your Brand
​Exercise 8.1: Reflective Questions
There Are ONLY 10 Spots Available
There’s always a catch...and here it is.
This class has been designed for the business builder who’s ready to break through, do whatever it takes, and avoid the normal pitfalls nearly everyone stumbles over when trying to launch and scale.
You’re going to have direct access to me and my team to get support ANYWHERE you need it so you can transform your coaching business and life to the next level, both financially and personally.
We’re going to give you every template, training and tried and true strategic we have so you can get results fast.
And we’ll be working side-by-side with you the whole way through.
To deliver on that promise, we have to limit the size of the group.
So if you’re serious about joining, don’t wait.
There are only 10 spots available.
Click HERE to see my clients success stories.
Let’s Wrap This Up And Slap A Green Money Colored Bow On Top Of Your Business
The strategy you'll be implementing and the coaching you'll be receiving has already been proven to work.
If you're serious about your business and have a viable offer for the marketplace, GPS Academy is the single best investment you can make in yourself and your business.
Is it a little scary? Perhaps.
Should you do it anyway? You know the answer.
It’s why you’re here and you’re closer than ever before.
Let’s do it together.